Hunter Events
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Winter Birds and Cranes in Nature and Art - CANCELED
Saturday, January 25

Due to unforeseen circumstances, Winter Birds and Cranes in Nature and Art has been canceled.
Join us at the Hunter Museum for a tour exploring artworks featuring winter animals and plants. Then reconvene at the Hiwassee Refuge to find Sandhill Cranes at their peak and learn more about their astonishing annual migration from a Reflection Riding staff member.
The museum portion will last approximately 45 minutes and the expected arrival at the Hiwassee Refuge is 4 PM. Participants may stay at the refuge for as long as they’d like and return home when they are ready. This program is offered in partnership with Reflection Riding Arboretum & Nature Center.
2:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Regular admission applies; members and youth 17 & under are free. Reflection Riding members are also free. Open to all ages.