Hunter Events
Throwback Thursday
Thursday, Feb 2, 2023

Enjoy free admission to the permanent collection and $5 general admission to the current exhibitions Beauford Delaney’s Metamorphosis into Freedom and Really Free: The Radical Art of Nellie Mae Rowe. Members and youth 17 and under are free.
Beauford Delaney’s Metamorphosis into Freedom is organized by the Knoxville Museum of Art.
Really Free: The Radical Art of Nellie Mae Rowe is organized by the High Museum of Art, Atlanta. Support for this exhibition and publication is provided by The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts. Major funding for this exhibition and publication is provided by Judith Alexander and Henry Alexander. Generous support for the national tour is provided by Art Bridges. The exhibition is curated by Dr. Katherine Jentleson, Merrie and Dan Boone Curator of Folk and Self-Taught Art, High Museum of Art, Atlanta.
Local support for both exhibitions is generously provided by Elder’s Ace Hardware.