Hunter Events
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Creating in Nature’s Studio: Making Pigments from Native Plants (SOLDOUT)
Sunday, Jun 18, 2023

This event is full.
On a guided hike at Reflection Riding, collect native plants and learn how to use them to make natural dyes. Then, create art by painting a colorful assortment of these natural pigments onto fabric! The landscape painting from the Hunter Museum’s special exhibition In Nature’s Studio: Two Centuries of American Landscape Painting will serve as inspiration for your creations.
$25/adult ($20 Hunter and Reflection Riding Members); Free to youth 17 and under.
In Nature’s Studio is organized by the Reading Public Museum, Reading, Pennsylvania. Generously sponsored by Southeastern Trust Company. Marketing support provided by Chattanooga Tourism Company.
2:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Reflection Riding Arboretum & Nature Center