Hunter Events
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Chattanooga Hip Hop Summit at the Hunter
Thursday, Oct 13, 2022

The Hunter Museum is partnering with Chattanooga’s Hip Hop Summit for this celebration that connects African American performing artists in the local hip hop community to the current exhibit Memories & Inspiration. Featured performers include Emcee C-Grimey, DJ MCPro, poets Erika Roberts and Eric “Prophecy” Hubbard, dancers KG, Tryezz, Kunstruct, and Novek Newi, with photography by J Adams, a live painting demo by Juanita Montgomery, and food for sale from Fūd Vybez. Free and open to all.
Memories & Inspiration: The Kerry and C. Betty Davis Collection of African American Art was organized and toured by International Arts & Artists, Washington, DC
6:00 pm - 7:30 pm
Hunter Museum of American Art